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How To Add a Google Maps Embed to Your Church Website

How To Add a Google Maps Embed to Your Church Website

Writing an address on your church website is fine, but “2405 Russell Rd, Alexandria, VA 22301” tends to not look quite as nice as:

That said, it’s incredibly simple to add the Google Map Image Embed to your website! Here are the 8 easy steps you’ll need to go through in order to get this same map on your church website:

1. Navigate to your Google Maps Listing
Either by Google Search:

church website google maps listing

Or by Google Maps:

church google maps listing

2. Click “Share”:

share church website google maps listing

3. Click “Embed a map”:

church website embed google map

4. Click “COPY HTML”:

church website copy google map embed link

5. Go to your website and add a block:

add a wp block to church website

6. Search for and select “Custom HTML”:

add custom html block to church website

7. Paste the HTML that you copied previously in step 4:

paste google map embed to custom html block church website

Result (after pasting):

after pasting google maps embed to custom html block on church site

8. Save the page (“Update” or “Publish”) and you’re all set!

church embed example on church website